Friday, November 30, 2012

Just took some time to watch Lew Rockwell here on the topic of secession. One of the things the host alludes to is that the rich/northern (enlightened?) states are just carrying us poor southerners/mid-westerners (troglodytes) around on their backs. It's an incredibly galling viewpoint and similar to one I pointed out in an earlier post on this blog. The arrogance reminds me of just a few short weeks ago, while watching the weather channel's coverage of Hurricane Sandy (something that always make me irritated anyway). The reporters were incredulous that a hurricane could do such devastation to the sacred streets of NY. Haven't these people paid any attention to previous coverage of hurricanes? They are very dangerous and undiscriminating, even more so now that Sandy brought some of that knowledge to several great blue states. Hurricanes don't just effect us ______ (insert derogatory slang term for southerners). I have family and friends in NJ. It's a terrible tragedy and the loss of life, property and dignity is/was appalling. I'm also sick of hearing of the positive economic benefits that will result.
This rant has gotten off track as they are prone to do. I heard an estimate that if you took the "old south" plus Oklahoma and it seceded and formed a new compact it's be the 3rd largest economy in the world. Hardly an insignificant entity. However it is something for the blue state elites to consider just a bunch of parasites living off their largess.

Here is a video (graphic scenes) posted at the American Thinker. The workers paradise that Oliver Stone won't mention but as it really exists. How is it that an idea so allegedly hopeful ( I think that is why it's so popular) is so devastating to humanity? Our natural naivete must be so strong to allow this garbage to not just survive but thrive.

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